If their allegations are true, they're exposing a massive, international conspiracy of government sociopaths who can be reasonably described as Evil. In fact, the fundamental problem with Mark and Cathy's story might be that they are still alive to tell it. unless I find their motivation to lie, I can 't dismiss their story as false. (Interesting insight, hmm? Lies can sell, but truth will cost. But presented: as truth, their story's commercial value is negligible and will not help them to get elected, employed, or enriched. with a little luck, they could retire on the movie rights.

O'Brien's allegations of New World Order intrigue are false - where 's the payoff? Her story is so well written that if it's fiction, she and Mark Phillips should've published it as a mystery novel.

Phillips self-published their book, (Trance Formation of America) given the number of famous names, businesses, and institutions that they accuse of criminal acts, their book can never be a best seller - the resulting libel suits would be ruinous.įurther, if Ms. O'Brien's story was false, why tell it? To make money off "conspiracy nuts " ? I don't see how. O'Brien's story, but so far, no serious denials.Īfter all, if Ms. In short, there is reasonable support for Ms. Author and investigative reporter Pat Shannon also claims Ms. Phillips and he talks and acts much like high-powered corporate executive. O'Brien and admits having an extensive working~g relationship with the CIA - co authored her book (Trance Formation of America), travels around the country with her, and helps publicize her story. One problem with dismissing her story is that Mark Phillips - who "rescued " Ms. Her list of responsible parties is so long and seemingly incredible, that some folks tend to dismiss her story as absurd and based largely on the delusions of a woman who is still deeply troubled. O'Brien's case, she "remembers" an extraordinary list of famous individuals and institutions that caused her abuse and illness. In fact, some "repressed" memories aren't memories at all, but are merely fabrications. Unfortunately, "repressed " memories are extremely difficult to verify. However, she also admits suffering from a prolonged episode of mental illness involving "compartmentalized (repressed) memories" caused by that alleged abuse. When speaking publicly, author Cathy O 'Brien appears competent and confident that her extraordinary allegations of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse are true. A highly reccommended zine for any dedicated researcher.