Multi-layer Keying in After Effects Part 1: Don’t worry, you’re not an idiot. Keylgiht sample chapters cover basic compositing, color keying, garbage mattes, hold-out mattes, and how to avoid common problems with greenscreen shots.

See Rotoscoping introduction and resources. Curious grows your CQ Curious Quotient with the game of lifelong learning. Add the Advanced Spill Suppressor effect to remove traces of the key color, and then use one or more of the other Matte effects, if necessary.

The complicated solutions we’re discussing are for a complicated problem which shouldn’t be there. Creating an Invisible Man Alan Hamill demonstrates using some keying techniques and the Displacement Map Effect to simulate a transparent, yet textured dancing man. I’ll twiddle with a few more controls and see if I can get it down a bit more. Files\Plugins\Keylight\ For Mac OS X here is the license key: / Applications/Adobe After Effects CS3/Plug-ins/Keylight. In this third tutorial in a set of four on basic multi-layered keying in Adobe After Effects using Keylight, Andrew Devis shows how to deal with a specific. For Video Production, Greenscreen is an important part of producing media, it is used in video. Expert Keying with Keylight in After effects.